This is a four year history lesson outline to be used by the whole family. For now I will be posting the first year of lessons. This can be used as a stand alone guide, but for the recommended supplemental material for this year you will need the first volume and the first activity book of The Story of the World, and you will need Part 1 of From Adam to Us, along with the Map Book and Student Activity Book that go with it.

Begin with lesson 1A.

Once you finish the four years of lessons, start over. Every student should completely finish the curriculum at least twice in their school years, with activities adapted to their age and understanding. The yearly lessons are labeled by lesson number and year letter (1A is lesson one in the first year outline). This outline focuses on concurrent historical events and on the order of events rather than memorizing a bunch of dates. You can use it as a stand alone guide, but I highly recommend using it to correlate the two curriculums mentioned above. I also add LDS-Christian commentary to the lessons.

And please feel free to add your own suggested books or other learning materials to the comments section of the pertinent date.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

5A -- The Israelites (Week Two)

 Week two: c. 1772 BC Hammurabi’s code, Joseph and drought

1. Lesson Pages from Supplemental Materials:

·         Story of the World, vol. 1: p. 39-53  (additional activities for these pages are in the accompanying The Story of the World: Activity Book One)

2. Study material for family discussion (older students can read on their own, parents can read and summarize for younger students):

Genesis 37, 39-45

It is important to remember that people were spreading all across the world at this point. There were tribes of people across Russia, in the Arctic following the reindeer herds, settling across India and in the steppes above China, traveling farther south in Africa, and more. History is so vast, we can only focus on some of the more well-known civilizations and figures from the past. The civilizations that kept records are the easiest for archaeologists and historians to understand. 

3. Attention Getter: Pretend your little brother breaks one of your toys. What would be a fair punishment? Talk about the difference between “fair” and what we believe as Christians.

 4. Videos: (This is the first 30 min of the movie Joseph: Beloved Son, Rejected Slave, Exalted Ruler. The entire movie is supposed to be available on Tubi, but I have not tried it. ) (My kids always groan when I show these song videos, but then weeks later it is the only thing they still remember) (teens) (teens)


5. Mapping: Using your Map 4 from earlier lessons, trace Joseph’s journey from where he was sold near Shechem to Egypt where he became a slave.


6. Worksheets: There are several good activities under Fun and Games on this page:


Scroll down this page for a free crossword, or type Joseph into the search bar for more worksheets. Some are free, some are not:


7. Discussion: use these pages to help you think about how our perception of punishment has changed. What is the purpose of law? How do your thoughts on the appropriate punishment go with the purpose of law?


8. World History Reading:

·         The Bronze Dagger by Marie Sontag, a short novel set in Mesopotamia in Hammurabi’s time.

·         Hammurabi: Babylonian Ruler by Christine Mayfield and Kristine M. Quinn, good pictures and short text.

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