This is a four year history lesson outline to be used by the whole family. For now I will be posting the first year of lessons. This can be used as a stand alone guide, but for the recommended supplemental material for this year you will need the first volume and the first activity book of The Story of the World, and you will need Part 1 of From Adam to Us, along with the Map Book and Student Activity Book that go with it.

Begin with lesson 1A.

Once you finish the four years of lessons, start over. Every student should completely finish the curriculum at least twice in their school years, with activities adapted to their age and understanding. The yearly lessons are labeled by lesson number and year letter (1A is lesson one in the first year outline). This outline focuses on concurrent historical events and on the order of events rather than memorizing a bunch of dates. You can use it as a stand alone guide, but I highly recommend using it to correlate the two curriculums mentioned above. I also add LDS-Christian commentary to the lessons.

And please feel free to add your own suggested books or other learning materials to the comments section of the pertinent date.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

13A -- 546 BC Cyrus (Buddha, Confucius, Esther)


1.  Lesson pages from Supplemental Materials:

·         From Adam to Us: p. 190-223 (additional activities for these pages are in the accompanying Map Book and Student Workbook)

·         The Story of the World, vol. 1: p. 155-161, 173-179, 205-216, 222-232, 251-253 (additional activities for these pages are in the accompanying The Story of the World: Activity Book One)

2. Study material for family discussion (older students can read on their own, parents can read and summarize for younger students):

·         Esther

·         Daniel 5-6

·         Isaiah 44

·         Ezra

·         Nehemiah

·         Jacob – Jarom

Rome in this time period is growing as a power and overthrowing its government, changing it from a monarchy to a republic. It is important to understand a republic, since this is the form of government we have. In this form of government everyone, including leaders, must follow the law. The Romans did not sit down and write out a document that would spell out the law, while in our history our founders took a lot of time and thought writing out the constitution that would be the law of the land. So in Rome, the law changed often. The women in Rome could not vote. Rome also kept a lot of power in the hands of the wealthy. A commoner could not vote for a Senator, but they could vote for members of the Plebeian Council (plebeian is another word for commoner).

The Medes and then the Persians rise up as the power houses of the Middle East. Cyrus founded the first Persian Empire (the Achaemenid Empire). Cyrus allowed the Jews to go back to their homeland.

Remember that Daniel served in Babylon, first under Nebuchadnezzar who took him from his homeland in Judah. Then he mentions serving under Belshazzar, who for a long time was thought to be a fictional character as Daniel was the only one to make mention of him. However, new archaeological evidence shows he was a real person (,as%20a%20result%20of%20rebellion%20against%20Babylonian%20rule.). Next Daniel talks about King Darius the Mede. As explained here (, Darius was probably a sub-king under Cyrus, who had conquered the Medes and then conquered Babylon. This was the king of Babylon at the time Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den. Scholars like to say this is a mythical king, but I think that since Daniel was correct about Belshazzar, we can trust him on Darius.

After Cyrus the Great, Cyrus’ son ruled Persia, and then a Persian named Darius (not the same as Darius the Mede), then Xerxes and then Artaxerxes. One of these two men was the king married to Queen Esther.

One of the most important things you will read in this lesson is p.211 of From Adam to Us: “Morality alone does not make people new on the inside. Jesus Christ does that.” Though very good teachers, neither Buddha nor Confucius can save us.

3. Videos: (Athens) (Medes and Persians) (King Cyrus) (Cyrus and Persian Empire) (Greek City-states) (Daniel and the lion’s den) (Daniel and the lion’s den, live action) (Edict of Cyrus, allowing Jews to return) (Battle of Marathon) (Overview Ezra and Nehemiah) (Nehemiah) (Esther) (Greek and Persian battles continue) (teachings of Jacob) (Sherem and Jacob) (Enos prays mightily) (Buddhism borrows the idea of reincarnation from Hinduism, the oldest religion in India. Also, remind students that we can only ultimately find peace through Christ, who will eventually remove all suffering) (Confucianism)

4. Mapping: Map 7 in the Gospel Library Bible Maps. Complete Maps 10-12 in the From Adam to Us Map Book. There are also maps in the Activity Book for the chapters covered in The Story of the World. Find the corresponding areas on a modern map of the world.

5. Think of two questions you would like to know about each of these people, then research the answers: Cyrus the Great, Queen Esther, Buddha, Confucius.

6. List ten or more interesting facts about Persia, cut up the list and put it into a jar. Have each person select one fact and act it out, and have the others guess what fact is on the paper.

7. Poster: Label this poster “Mighty Prayer” and draw Daniel, Esther, and Enos.

8. World History Reading:

·         Victory on the Walls: a Story of Nehemiah by Frieda Clark Hyman

9. Memory DatesWorksheet:  If you need help, use the answers on Page One to complete one of the four worksheets

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